Junior Update
We also had a competition on Sunday the 4th of Feb. Unfortunately due to some threatening weather we only had three kids turn up. I will have the results from this comp in my next newsletter.
All the regular weekly clinics are on again. As always, after the summer break, I have noticed that all the kids are bigger and stronger and swinging well. However they may seem to be struggling a bit with their shots. This is because the way they are now swinging the club is different and it will take some practice for them to adjust their set ups. The more practice they can do, the quicker this will happen.
Rookies clinics are at 9am on Saturdays
Stars clinics are on Saturdays at 10am and Wednesdays at 4pm
Masters clinics are on Thursdays at 4pm at the range for the first week and will alternate with Tally Valley GC each week.
If you have any questions or any suggestions on how we can improve the junior program, then please contact me to discuss further. If you wish to book your kids in for any of the above sessions please call Sherrie at the range on 07 5534 9900.
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